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Your objective is to move the 24 small pieces to form a picture of a flying glider

Head up to where Merlin is in Camelot Castle and break the giant crystal with Excalibur. Talk to King Arthur again to finish the Silkroad Gold quest.

Once you’ve gathered up all the items, head over to Grand Tree and talk to King Narnode Shareen. Your character will ask him why he looks worried.

Talk to Daero again. He’ll introduce you to Waydar. Waydar will accompany you during your mission, although he’ll leave you once you leave Crash Island.

You are to solve the code yourself. To do so, head a few paces southeast of where you entered the hanger. Operate the reinitialisation panel. Your objective is to move the 24 small pieces to form a picture of a flying glider.

If you want to know how the picture should look like in the end, search the crate besides the panel. Take one of the spare controls and view it to see an image of the finished puzzle.

Keep doing so and go back and forth from the panel and spare control to aid you. It shouldn’t take too long to finish the puzzle. The most it should take is an hour. I finished it in 30 minutes.

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